O'zbek (Uzbek) Mobogrami
4.1 and up
Android OS
关于O'zbek (Uzbek) Mobogrami
O'zbek(乌兹别克语)Mobogram是Unofficial messenger app
O'zbek (Uzbek) mobogram adds many extra features to official 's app
* Hide your online status
* Hide your typing status
* Hide your last seen
* Uncheck message last seen mark even if the message seen by the user
★ Multiple Account more than 3.
* The maximum amount of mobogram account supported by the official is 3.
in O'zbek (Uzbek) you can have up to 6 account
★ Voice Changing Capability
★ Custom Paint integrated
★ Simple and free access to channels, bots, games and themes
★ 1000 of free stickers
★ Data base with more than 4000 different themes, updated every day, with all type of categories. New themes are published every day, notifying with every new publication
👉 More Features include
★ Option to show pone emojis
★ Option to save files using original filename
★ Option to set custom compression when sharing videos
★ Option to use pone font
★ Option to show own photo or user photo in chat bubbles
★ Group admin is shown in groups profile
★ Option to discard proximity sensor changes when playing audio notes
★ Option to show profile pics when clicking photo in main screen
★ Option to show profile screen when clicking photo in main screen
★ Change wallpaper directly from chat screen
★ Option to change chat emoji view size
★ Option to mute users or groups directly from main screen
★ Option to add member directly from chat screen