关于ODC Stores
Manage your Sudhesi Store business on the go with SUDHESI multi service provider App
Get Regular orders 365* days, increase the sales value day by day, You can Add categories, Menu , their price, description ,
minimu order quantity etc etc to know the customer and they can order easily.
You can get alert when the order comes from a customer and you can accept or reject as your wish, then start pack before
our delivery person will reach your shop. After packed the Essential products, Food, Snacks or Medicines you have to
Pick Up option from this App, Then our delivery person will collect the parcel and will deliver to the cutomers.
You can check all your previuous orders, Running Orders, Pick Up orders easily, Also you can inactive your store
if you dont want to get orders from the customers temperorily.
Work Together Earn Together thats our policy , lets join our hands to encourage the Swadesi Trade in India.