关于Overcome Challenges
Overcome Challenges Audio Alpha Wave Affirmations by Hani Al-Qasem
Do you often face challenges in life that seen to so overwhelming that you don't know what to do, where you feel lost and confused? Where you break down and crumble under the pressure?
You now have a solution! This 20 minutes audio will allow you to overcome every obstacle and challenge that stands in the way between you and your desires; whether it's success that you desire, or living a life happily and calmly, or going through your days at work feeling unruffled and relaxed, you now have the answer to it all.
You will:
* Easily and effortlessly overcome challenges and obstacles in your life
* Develop more confidence and courage when you face challenges and obstacles
* Remain calm and focused no matter what challenges lay ahead of you
If you are finding overcoming challenges in life a real pain, one that you could do without, then this session is for you.
How this audio works:
This 20 minute audio works on your subconscious mind to bring about the desired outcome. It starts off at a high level, just above 'alpha', and slowly descends to the lower end of 'alpha' over 5 minutes, designed to calm you.
It is then kept constant at this lower end of 'alpha' for 10 minutes; during that period, the affirmations are being delivered directly to your receptive subconscious mind while you remain in this relaxed state.
You will hear carefully worded affirmations in triplicate, using the accelerated learning technique, making them super-effective.
After the messages are finished, we slowly move up the frequency, gradually ascending back to a level just above 'alpha', over the remaining 5 minutes so you will be fully alert, energised and refreshed.
Once the session comes to an end, you open your eyes and continue with the rest of your day.