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Stay connected with the Plainedge Union Free School District in one easy-to-use mobile app. The Plainedge Union Free School District app gives parents and students a one-stop spot for access to all your important school and class information any time of day or night. Our mobile app features access to:
--News and Information
--Calendar of Events
--Contact Information
--Edline Class Portal
--Staff Directory
--PowerSchool Parent Portal
--MySchoolBucks Portal
--Lunch Menus
--District Newsletter
--Facebook Access
--Twitter Feed
--AESOP Portal
--School Dude Portal
--MyLearningPlan (MLP) Portal
--Castle Learning
--This Month (Calendar)
Inside our APP you can access each of the following schools/locations:
Plainedge School District
Plainedge High School
Plainedge Middle School
Charles E. Schwarting Elementary School
John H. West Elementary School
Eastplain Elementary School
Please note this is the “Official App” for the Plainedge Union Free School District.