关于Qooco Talk
Qooco Talk revolutionizes the way you learn to speak English. With a simple package and topic structure, featuring multiple lessons of various types, Qooco Talk offers an unprecedented spoken English learning solution:
- Well-structured curriculum, starting at a beginner’s level, becoming more challenging as you progress through the lessons
- Featuring matching lessons, listening lessons, and speaking lessons – words, phrases, and simple conversations
- Motivating and fun learning games
- Advanced Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) engine, instantly analyzes and scores every word you say, providing color-coded feedback to help you improve your English pronunciation
- Cloud-based, for learning anytime, anywhere
- Hundreds of lessons available for students, from Primary 1 to Primary 6
- Comprehensive reporting system for parents and teachers
So what are you waiting for? Start mastering spoken English with Qooco Talk today!
- New Visual Design of UI and Course Skin
- New Homepage
- Auto-play Function in Flashcard
- Add New Lesson Games
- Add Certificate Feature
- New Lesson Result Page
- Menu Improvement
- New Settings