“QsMe”是一个数量在起飞任务勘测创新!使用方便 !!
The project of innovation "QsMe" is a quantity surveying application for reference and guidance in taking-off task.
"QsMe" is developed in html, which mainly focused on basic undertaking in doing taking-off list, guidance based on Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works Second Edition (SMM2), work illustration for elements provided respectively. however, taking-off list is still depending on details of a drawing.
"QsMe" is a smart-mobile application written for android operating system, design to help users as references and guidance in doing taking-off. Our application is easy to use for both beginners and advanced users. It features a familiar, and well thought-out, and attractive users interface, combine with calculator and scale converter linked page capabilities. The scale converter feature provide an instance of scale converter just by using regular ruler of centimeter standard, makes users possible to convert scale at no limitations.
"QsMe" has two main modules :
1. Tab of elements - Users friendly input screen
2. Illustration of works - Simple and attractive output screen