关于Scientific Calculator FX-992MS
Scientific calculator include exponents, log, natural log (ln), trig functions, and memory. These functions are used when working with scientific notation or any formula with a geometry component. Basic calculators can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.This app contains inbuilt currency converter, unit converter, measurements converter.Contains components such as: - + plus or addition, - minus or subtraction,
* times, or multiply by, / or ÷ divided by, over, division by, ^ raised to the power of, yx or xy y raised to the power x or x raised to the y, Sqrt or √ square root, ex exponent, raise e to the power x, LN natural logarithm, take the log of, SIN sine function,
SIN-1 inverse sine function, arcsine, COS cosine function, COS-1 inverse cosine function, arccosine, TAN tangent function, TAN-1 inverse tangent function or arctangent, ( ) parentheses, instructs calculator to do this operation first, Store (STO) place a number in memory for later uses