关于SIM Card Manager
SIM card manager is a tiny tool that reads your SIM card and give you many helpful informations. It also help you to manage contacts in you SIM Card, you can view all your contacts stored on SIM Card, create a new contacts (store to SIM card), modify a contact or delete contact(s).
- View SIM Card info: SIM Card Serial, Phone number, SIM carrier.
- View all contacts stored on SIM card.
- Searching for a contact.
- Add a contact.
- Delete a contact or delete multiple selected contacts.
- Modify contact's info.
- Import contacts from file.
- Export contacts to file (for backup purpose) .
I need INTERNET permission in my app to retrieve ad data. Trust at me, I dont collect your info and your contacts info.
If you need any further informations, feel free to contact me via email: thanhtien2302@gmail.com. Thank you!
What's new?
- Bugs fixes: Crashes on some devices, contact list becomes black when scroll,...
- Improves GUIs.