Our Superhelper training programs have been largely successful in bringing knowledge about home management. We get lots of great comments on our website www.superhelper.org and we’ve successfully trained thousands of helpers in the past 10 years.
However, we noticed the habit of helpers to exchange numbers with each other and our staff to create a sort of help network after the courses were over. The questions ranged from how to pair a meal, what is the best spice to use, meaning of a word in a recipe and much more. There was a frustration to want to seek out answers, but equally a willingness to help where they could.
If trained helpers were asking questions, imagine the need of other helpers here and abroad who grope through their work ‘in the dark’ or through trial and error. Many helpers are wrought with fear or embarrassment over not knowing something they think they should know. Thus, they don’t ask, then they are frowned upon and their self-esteem hurt -- the cycle goes on, unproductively.
Breaking this cycle, we want to breed a culture of asking and sharing amongst peers. For every helper who doesn’t know have the answer, there is another helper who does or many helpers who do and, moreover, who are amazing! We’d like to make the knowledge connection happen more easily and reward for this behavior.
What are we trying to do?
Create a mobile platform for domestic workers to help each other out, asking questions and giving answers. Helpers with questions can ask them 3 ways:
· Advice, Tip or Idea
· Video Clip
· Recipe
Answers are rated and awarded points based on usefulness and quality. Points are then converted to gift e-coupons, usable through participating advertisers. Askers are rewarded a set number of points every month for a minimum of 3 questions.
Answers are categorized in a database to create a searchable working body of knowledge.
TapNTip 1.0