应用程序将USB DPS8000 / 8100传感器重置为出厂设置
The TERPS application resets a USB DPS8000/8100 sensor back to factory default settings and displays the pressure readings from the sensor. If the sensor is a barometric reference then avionics parameters (QFE, QNH, QFF, MSL Altitude) are also computed and displayed.
Application Notes:
This application requires authorization to access the USB port to read and write to a connected DPS8000/81000 sensor.
Reconnecting a previously authorized sensor will automatically launch the TERPS application.
Please try disconnecting and reconnecting the sensor in the event of a communication error.
1. Android Phone should be having OTG Support
2. This Application should be used with TERPS-8100 Air Pressure Series.
3. Google Play Services are required for correct functioning of Application
4. App should be installed and updated only via Google PlayStore
- Sensor Measurements are logged continuously. This collected data can be exported to a CSV File and can be shared via multiple options.
- User can plot historical data of specific Sensor. Live data feature can also plot data obtained from connected sensor in real time.
- Leak Test Can be performed in the app itself. User can calculate Leak Rate for a Chamber/container by attaching Sensor and using this feature in app.