Tri-C Mobile helps you stay connected to Cuyahoga Community College from wherever you are, on or off campus.
Use Tri-C Mobile to find anyone in the Directory and get in touch instantly, stay-in-the-loop with the latest campus news, keep tabs on Cuyahoga Community College sports scores, watch videos from recent campus events, see real-time bus locations, check grades and access course content, browse the course catalog. It’s Cuyahoga Community College in the palm of your hand!
Maps: Search campus buildings by name, pinpoint them on the map, see their location relative to your own.
Courses: Browse and search courses for current and future terms, see course descriptions, times, locations, and availability.
Learn: Get instant access to all of your Blackboard Learn™ course content on the go. Check grades, post to discussion forums, view important class announcements, read and download assignments, upload content and more.
Directory: Get in touch with anyone campus-wide.
News: Keep up with all the happenings on and off campus with news from a variety of sources including the Cuyahoga Community College.
Videos: Access all of Cuyahoga Community College video content in one easy-to-view place.
Emergency: Get access to important numbers and information when you need them. Call to report an emergency or get information from the Cuyahoga Community College Emergency Information Hotline.
My Tric: Get access to your My Tri-C Space.
Links: Get access to Ask Tri-C, Athletics, Events, Financial Aid, Library, and Programs information.
Social: Get access to Tri C's Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Pinterest, Foursquare, and Flickr feeds.