This application is use for User registration and authentication with Google
and Google Analytics API to view and analyze data from a Google Analytics account.
This Types of Reports That show in application:
1. Acquisition and Traffic Flow of the Website
a. Total Visits
b. Total Page Views
c. Pages Viewed Per Session
d. Session Duration
e. Bounce Rate
f. New Sessions
g. Conversions
2. Traffic Breakdown (Visitors/Conversions)
a. Organic Search Breakdown
b. Direct Traffic Breakdown
c. Social Media Breakdown
d. Paid Search Breakdown
e. Referral Breakdown
3. Behavior Flow
4. Exit Pages
5. Location Information
6. Mobile/Device Breakdown
7. Search Console Information (Download into XLSX automatically)
8. Page Speed Report
a. Comparison of Page Load VS Document Content Load
9. Goal and Conversion Information
10. Audience
a. Audience user age
b. Audience user gender
c. Audience other category
d. Audience affinity category
e. Audience market category
11. Adwords
a. Campaigns
b. Ad group
c. Ads