Coloring fun for kids
The world is full of light. Visible light is made of seven wavelength groups. These are the colors you see in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The reddish colors are the long wavelengths. The greenish colors are the mid-size wavelengths. The bluish color are the short wavelengths. Red, orange and yellow are warm colors, while violet and blue are cool colors. Green is said to be the most neutral color. Warm colors make a room feel warm, while cool colors make a room feel cool. Warm colors make the room seem smaller because the walls feel closer which cool colors make the walls feel further away which makes it feel larger. Primary colors are blue, red and yellow. These are pure colors that have no component other than themselves. Secondary colors are orange, green and purple. These are composed of the primary colors on either side of it on the color wheel. For example: Orange = red+yellow, Green = blue+yellow, Purple = blue+red. Tertiary colors are orange-red, orange-yellow, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-purple, and red-purple. Tertiary colors have more of one color than the other. Hue is another name for the word color, and value describes the darkness or lightness of a color. Approximately seven million different colors can be seen by the human eye. Most people can see color very clearly, but there are some people who are color-blind. The most common form of color-blindness and mammals with poor color vision are unable to differentiate between reds and greens. They see the world as a blend of blues, yellows, and greys.