Android application for companies to cut down on mileage and overtime claims.
Corporate Logbook is a android application developed for corporate's to drastically save on costs. It features 4 databases , a Trip Database, Reports Database, Customer Database and a Vehicle Database. Features Makes use of pin point – high accuracy location based recording. User Authentication system build in which authenticates in the cloud. All trip information is stored in the cloud , and can be exported as CSV. Records odometer opening and closing readings and calculates the total km traveled. Calculates the distance between your current location and your destination. Captures the date and time. Sophisticated built in Anti-Cheat System , date , time , location , time departed , time arrived and the distance to the customer can not be changed. Proximity of 5 km built into the anti – cheat system but can be increased as per customer requirements. The proximity system prevents a user from saving data into the database if they within a 5 km radius of their starting location. Reports dashboard calculates the total amount of vehicles and displays a list of all the vehicles , and the amount of KM each vehicle has traveled. Total customers are calculated and the customer name and contact person is stored in a list as well. Under the reports menu there are 2 other options , 1 . Vehicle Reports , 2. Travel Reports Vehicle Reports The vehicle reports section displays the vehicle name , the total calculated KM traveled with the vehicle as well as the amount of time spent on the road in HOURS. Travel Report The travel report is our comprehensive report. This section displays the following info to the user. Date , Customer , Vehicle Used, Purpose, Time Arrived, Total KM, Odometer Opening Reading, Odometer Closing Reading, Start Location , Destination Address, and the KM Difference. The total KM is calculated by what the user enters into the start and end odometer fields , but the KM Difference was built in to calculate the difference between current location and the destination address , and the odometer readings. This system was built in to assist corporate with excessive mileage claims. Vehicles Database The Vehicles Database was added in this release to allow the user to capture their vehicles , give the vehicles unique names , differentiate between all the vehicles , capture the vehicle value and odometer reading. With the click of a button you have all the info you need of a specific vehicle. The vehicle database also integrates with the log trip database to allow easy selection of a vehicle when starting the journey. Customers Database The Customer Database holds all the users customer info. Customer Name, Contact Person, Email Address, Mobile Number and Address. The customers info can all be access by the click of a button. The customer database also integrates into the log trip database , once the user has created the customer , they can select the customer from a drop down menu , and the application will automatically calculate the distance from the users current location to the customers location captured when creating the customer. Backing up. We have built in a backup system that allows the user to backup their database to the SD Card. Restoring Easy restore one click system built into the application. Exporting to CSV. The exporting option is a one click solution , allowing the user to collect all the travel info and email it in csv format , after which it could be imported into a program like Microsoft excel and used as a logbook. Benefits Corporate Logbook could potentially save a corporate millions of $. The application was designed to assist corporate with excessive mileage claims and to clamp down on incorrect overtime captured. Managers now have the option to request random reports from the user and then compare the results to the info supplied by the user. Users now have a comprehensive list of all their customers , and have access to all the customers