Swim with Crocs
Crocs R us, Experience based organisation that allows you to meet and greet and swim with Crocodiles and Reptiles. Yes you can actually come and swim with our friendly gators and joy interacting with them in the pool. All of our meet and greets are done with the Reptile welfare in mind which is why we do not tape there mouth. Thes Crocodilians are people friendly and enjoy the interaction to spice their day up. Birthday parties and special Events as well. Come and meet the Reptiles. Venomous snake shows where Venomous snakes are explained and handled in a safe environment for kids and adults to enjoy. The real deadly 60. See King Cobras and Black Mambas and some of the worlds most dangerous snakes in addition to meeting the Crocodiles and Alligators. Why not have your Birthday party with us or at your house. Come handle some of our other magnificent reptiles such as Snakes and Chameleons, Monitor lizards and numerous other Reptiles you will enjoy saying hi too. Come and put the wow into your day, see the real deadly 60 close up and in front of you.