Food recipes are list component to make a delicious food that must be written
Food recipes are list component to make a delicious food that must be written in paper or other. In the recipe there are some components that some have to be written and some that don't have to be written. The recipe component that is usually there is Name of cuisine, Appropriation of types of dishes such as "for diabetics or for diet", Composition or material with the quantity, Tools needed How to cook, Cooking time, Amount of dish, Estimated number of calories, Nutritional levels Food and storage resistance Sometimes, the tools needed are not written directly but are in the section on how to cook. Example Beat the egg and pour it into a heated frying pan, which means we need an egg beater, frying pan and stove. In ancient times, recipes also circulated by oral means so that some of the above parts were also lost and sometimes caused variations in cuisine. Some people also only use the recipe as a reference and they provide their own variations such as the composition and method of cooking and complementary.