Come Onboard to find Innovative ideas from People's life and change the World
Innovative ideas comes when we look at other people's life closely and try to analyse what the are missing in their lives and for that you have to look and analyse very closely and patiently. It is very tiring and time consuming work and in today's competitive world when 90% of the things are already invented by others it's very difficult to analyse and to look for the gaps in people's life. In Ideation app all the users who join will write their wishes, desires about what they want, they will also write about the general problems that they are facing NOW YOU CAN SEE THEIR WANTS BY SITTING AT HOME. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE YA LOOK 1000 VIDEOS IN ORDER TO GET IDEAS. YOU CAN FIND ALL THE CREATIVE IDEAS BY JUST SCROLLING DOWN LOOKING WHAT PEOPLE HAVE WRITTEN BY JUST SITTING AT HOME. YOU CAN CONNECT WITH OTHER LIKE MINDED PEOPLE AND CAN CHAT WITH THEM PERSONALLY, YOU CAN FORM TEAM WITH THEM SO THAT YOU CAN WORK ON SAME PROJECT TOGETHER. IF YOU ARE WORKING ALONE NOW YOU CAN HAVE OTHER PEOPLE WITH YOU. It's difficult to work alone and it's difficult to find like Minded People. WITH IDEATION YOU CAN FORM A TEAM, YOU CAN SHARE IDEAS WITH THEM, EXPLORE OTHER OPPURTUNITIES.