このمسلم شریف Sahih Muslim urdu (All part)について
We have tried to give all hadith books of Sahih Muslim Sharif in Urdu whereas we know that Muslim Sharif is the most popular hadith of Islam. This is one of the most authentic that contains all important sayings by Prophet (swt).In this islamic urdu app it has all sahis hadith in Urdu, Sahih muslim which is mostly read amongst all.So please keep yourself connected to this app so that you can get more apps like Bukhari Hadees in Urdu,Namaz ka tariqa, 99 Names of allah in urdu, sahih muslim hadees in hindi pdf download,sahih muslim sharif ,sahih muslim pdf in hindi ,sahih muslim urdu .
Our next feature will bring more feature like translation of whole book.
یہ ایپ بنیادی طور پر اسلام میں مسلم حدیوں پر مبنی ہے
اگر آپ اس حدیث کی درخواست پسند کرتے ہیں تو مثبت رائے دینے کے لئے مت بھولنا
آپ کی تعریف ہمیں زیادہ حوصلہ افزائی دے گی