Aimframe is an easy to use productivity app designed to help you bridge the gap between your projects, life-goals, and passions, and the immediate steps you could be taking “here and now” to achieve them. Make a Project and see how Aimframe asks you insightful questions to break down vague or far off desires like “a better physique” or “going back to school,” into actionable items you're committed to getting done, "framing" your goals in a realistic and manageable context.
Aimframe Features
- Intuitive Project making system designed to walk you through turning daunting goals into manageable “Activities.”
- Clean and readable UI with accessibility and customization features (font and text size, different color themes).
- Trouble keeping everything sorted? Aimframe contains a configurable notification system to alert you to upcoming Goals and Activities, reminding you of what you need to do, when you need to do it.
- In App Calendar to keep a wide view of your current Projects, Goals, and Activities.
- Customizable Daily To-Do List to organize your goals and keep you on track.
Though anyone can benefit from it, Aimframe has been designed to accommodate for and assist people living with executive functions impediments (such as ADD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression).