このAll Network Call Packages Pk:について
All Network Call Packages detail of Telenor, Zong, Ufone and Mobilink Offline.
If you are looking for All Network Call Packages then you will get its details from this app. It contains information of all Zong,Telenor, Ufone ,Mobilink and Warid Call packages including 2G, 3G, and 4G below including Price, Volume, Validity, Subscription, and un-subscription. Select your desiredpackages and enjoy the blazing speed of 3g/4g connectivity. It is offering best packages to its users, either it is SMS, call or internet packages. Now don’t remember tough codes because all it’s done by your app. You can also activate, recharge and deactivate any packages with single click.
It provides offline services. Its contains packages of SaudiArabia, Bahrain, India,UAE, Kuwait, India, Afghanistan, UK, USA, Canada, France, Spain, Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal Vietnam, Kashmir, Indonesia and other internationals packages.
It Include:
1. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Hourly Call Packages
2. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Daily Call Packages
3. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone 3-Days CallPackages
4. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone fortnight Call Packages
5. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Weekly CallPackages
6. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Monthly CallPackages
7. All International Packages detail
8. All Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Super Card details
9. Sim lagao and other offers
10. Easily Card recharge
11. Wingle packages
12. Important Codes
Note: It is not official application of Zong/Warid/Jazz/Telenor and Ufone Pakistan. It is just providing packages details and user guide. Download and enjoy.