このAndroid Material - CM13/12/11について
Cyanogenmod 12 / 12.xの/ 13のためのシンプルな素材のテーマ
Android Material - CM Theme is a CyanogenMod theme from the community. It features Material Design and Material Inspired wallpapers and iconography - Icons and Illustrations.
This theme works on devices with the CM 12/12.1/13 theme engine
Note: some unthemed apps and missing icons are expected. Exciting updates to come.
What's Themed:
1. CM Browser
2. Calculator
3. CM Camera
4. Chrome
5. Contacts
6. DocumentsUI
7. CM Gallery
8. AOSP Keyboard
9. Google Keyboard
10. Settings
11. SystemUI
12. PlayStore
13. CM Music Player (Eleven)
14. CM File Manager
15. Facebook
16. CM Updater
17. Google Plus
18. Google Play Music
19. Hangouts
20. YouTube
21. Instagram
22. WhatsApp
23. CM AudioFX
24. Theme Chooser
And more...
Extra Features:
- 300+ Icons
- Wallpapers
- Boot Animation
Google+ :https://plus.google.com/103378213945961913982/about