このBlood Pressure Diary 2022について
Blood pressure Tracker & BP Recorder Diary is very help full application for BP patient. Using this bp monitor and bp tracking app you can save Monthly and daily basis bp recorder and blood pressure record. BP checker, blood pressure monitors diary book app and bp recorder and blood pressure checker gives you good data base facility to save weight and pulse history date wise and compare the entries. You can manage and analyzed your report of blood pressure in a single bp recorder and blood pressure app.
Normal Bp recorder and blood pressure Range:
Systolic less than 120 mmHg
Diastolic less than 80 mmHg Pulse Rate 70 mmHg Normal weight 70 kg.
By using any BMI Calculator you can find whether you are overweight, underweight or normal weight. Control your weight if you are overweight because it can cause different disease like kidney, heart diseases hypertension.
Blood Glucose Tracker by VidsPlanet Team, makes it easy to log and analyze your blood glucose levels in a convenient place, your Android phone or tablet!
Controlling blood sugar levels is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Diary - Blood Glucose Tracker makes it easy to track glucose readings.
Blood Sugar is very useful for who often checks their blood sugar / glucose levels and offers an easy way of logging your blood sugar readings in one place and track it. Body Temperature Tracker App. Celsius / Fahrenheit Thermometer Fever Checker App.
Body Temperature Fever Thermometer Diary provides you all functions you need to record, track and analyze your body temperature and pulse.
Fever history diary shows temperature history in charts which is easier to view and compare. Take readings from your thermometer and enter or save values to maintain body temperature history in fever diary app. Keep track your temperature maximum and minimum in temperature diary to maintain history.
Body Temperature tracker and smart thermometer App Data is an application to spare the body temperature record measured by the utilizing thermometer. You'll be able indeed the track temperature ranges of your body on chart based on information saved using this infrared thermometer tracker.
App Features:
No registration needed
Offline Modus (No internet connection is required)
A beautiful design ensures your daily well-being in the app
Quick and easy capture of your body temperature and pulse data
Extensive diagrams and statistics to track your data over long periods of time
Much information about different body temperature values
Log blood pressure & pulse readings using fast keyboard data entry
Understand what the numbers mean & monitor blood pressure trends with statistics & interactive charts
Manage blood pressure records of multiple profiles (great for caregivers)
Support for common blood pressure classification guidelines (ACC/AHA, ESH/ESC, JNC7)
Configurable date/time formats & measurement units
Blood Glucose statistics
US Standard or International Standard units (mg/DL or mmol/L)
Use and set different Blood glucose level units - mg/DL or mmol/L
This app is created to provide you a great diary for your blood pressure – Blood Sugar and Body temperature Diary and does not measure your blood pressure – Sugar - Fever and pulse. Its only mange history of patient which he entered.