このChanakya Neeti (FREE)について
Chanakya Neetiという名前の伝説的なChanakyaの有名な本
Today's young generation is forgetting the ancient indian roots. Here is an attempt to make it easily accessible and retain the tradition. The ancient indian intelligence is collected here in the form of a mobile application.
Chanakya was a professor of political science in the ancient Takshashila University. He moved from the university to unify india which was under the rule of multiple selfish regional kings. He planned the downfall of Nanda rulers who insulted him. Chanakya was the advisor for the first Mauryan emperor Chandragupta's rise to power at a young age. He is widely credited for having played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire, which was the first empire that united widely divided India under regional forces. Chandragupta Maurya went onto to become the best king that had ever ruled India and most of the credit goes Chanakya. He served as the chief adviser to Chandragupta and even to his son Bindusara.
Chanakya has written a book consisting of simple quotes that people can follow that is called as neetishastra or popularly known as chanakya neeti. The book gives an idea of how intelligent and smart he was. The quotes are relevant in life even to this day.