このCompass Proについて
A magnetic compass with magnetic declination correction for best accuracy. A Compass Pro is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic North. Geographic North is computed given the magnetic North and the magnetic declination at your current location.
Note regarding device calibration for use Compass Pro :
Smartphones use magnetic and orientation sensor in order to compute the direction of the magnetic North. Sensor might be in an unknown state when the application is started. Sensors requires a lot of values to reach optimal accuracy and precision. To do so, move your phone in space in a ∞ figure pattern until the accuracy turns to high.
****IMPORTANT: To use, hold your Android device flat, use just like a real Compass Pro. Your device must have MAGNETIC SENSOR inside to read earth magnetic field. If your device does not have magnetic sensor Smart Compass Pro or any other Compass app will not work. PLEASE DON’T WRITE BAD COMMENTS, IT’S NOT OUR FAULT!****
Features Compass Pro:
● Magnetic declination correction
● True altitude above sea level
● Easy calibration
● Show angle in degrees
● Small size
● Clean design
● It’s FREE
● No Internet connection required.
● Simple to use, use it like a real Compass Pro
Compass Pro is the compass in your pocket, when you need it, where you need it.
Compass Pro has the following functions:
- Shows direction of north, south, east and west
- Shows degrees in “side window”
- Rotating bezel