このDID YOU KNOW Quizz Game!について
Test your knowledge in the widest area of questions!
"☆ Do you want to test your awareness in the most interesting quizz ever? Do you think you are familiar with with various questions from different areas of life? Science, history, biology, sport, music, art, movies… Show all of your knowledge through our application!
☆ Get our application for free and improve your knowledge in the interesting fields of famous people, interesting facts, kings and queens, knights and legends and, of course, learn something new…
☆ 3 levels with interesting questions regarding diverse areas of life and mankind!
☆ Are you stuck on some question? Don’t worry and get a hint on every question. You can always learn more and our application knows it best!
☆ DID YOU KNOW?!? Quizz suitable for all generations! You just need to get our application for free and play whenever you want to!
☆ Every day is a question. Find all the answers to all of your interesting questions in one single application!!!"