このEnglish to Amharic Dictionaryについて
• It is possible to take a photo of texts, words and phrases you are going to translate, and this dictionary will provide the most accurate translation either offline or online. It is worth mentioning, that the online section of this dictionary translates texts and sentences as one unity, but not as a group of separate words.
• While you are searching the word you want, the dictionary may offer you some other words or phrases containing the word you are looking for. This function helps to enrich your word stock with as many words as possible. Besides, if you type the word with some errors, it will immediately offer you the correct spelling.
• It works not only offline but also online, thus widening translation possibilities.
• Another outstanding feature of this English to Amharic dictionary is, that it shows the image of the translated word to help you understand the word meaning better and memorize it more easily. For example, if you look for the translation of the word «ball», it will translate it and show the image of a “ball”. It is also possible to choose among several images you like and save it in your dictionary.
• You have a chance to collect all your preferable words and phrases in the “Favorite” section, where you can find the saved word whenever you wish, as well as remove the word from that section. This function is quite helpful while learning and memorizing new words.
• It helps you to study structural relationships in the target language and the grammatical functions of words by bringing usage examples of each word you are searching.
• It presents the correct pronunciation of words, thus making it possible to sound like a native speaker. You can just tap on the relevant button and listen to the proper pronunciation of the preferred word, or use the “AutoSpeak» function, which will pronounce the word automatically after translating it.
• This dictionary gives the opportunity of Wikipedia, Google and YouTube searches. This function helps to find different kind of information about any word or phrase.
• There is a possibility of selecting the font size, which you find the most comfortable.
• It should also be mentioned that all these settings are possible to turn on or off depending on your needs.
If you have not get any result from the dictionary, the Application gives you the option to use Google Translator to find a meaning for your word. If you click the “Search with Google” button, the Application sends your text directly to Google Translator and gives you the meaning.
You can use this dictionary when you have no internet connection. You can search in Amharic using Amharic keyboard, or by English and you will get English and Amharic Translation for every word.
The Dictionary will be regularly updated to include more words, to add latest Android features, to elevate user experience by redesigning the layout, and also to enhance performance.
Thank you for downloading,
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OROMNET Software and Application Development PLC, Nekemtie, Ethiopia