このGandhi Jayanti Photo Editorについて
Gandhi Jayanti Frames&Editorフィルターなどを使用して写真を編集します。
Gandhi Jayanti Photo Frame:
It is time for you to decorate your photo in a Day and different way with wide range of HD quality frame collcetion. After selecting the frame and editing your photo if you don’t like the frame and wanna change you can do it and also edit funny sticker,Gandhi Jayanti sticker ,emotional sticker, diffrent type of caption with font style ,font and wide range of text color.Gandhi Jayanti photo frame will make your photos and selfies so Day that you will like to share them with all the people on social networks.
Application Features:->
-->Select a photo either from the gallery or take photo using phone's camera.
-->HD quality & Latest Collection frames.
-->Add color effects to photo.
-->Add Different and latest collection of caption for your Photos.
-->Rotate you Selected pic right and left Side.
-->Apply different effects to your photo like Black & White, Sepia, Greyscale and more filter effects.
-->Zoom in and zoom out Pic.
-->Add text on frames with different colors and styles.
-->Use wide range of smiley and stickers to make your pic classic.
-->No internet connection required.
-->Gandhi Jayanti Photo Frames app supports all screen resolutions of mobile and tablet devices.
-->Save your image to SD card.
-->You can share them on any social media like Facebook, whatsapp, Instagram and many more.
Download Gandhi Jayanti Photo Frames App now.
最新バージョン 1.0 の更新情報
Add more editing tools.
A new sharing concepts in application.
Easy to use UI & UX.
All Editor Filter and Frames are free.