このGirly Statusについて
Girly Status is an innovative application allows you to create Girlish status images with Girly quotes!
Select quote from the collection of English Girly Quotes and Hindi Girly Quotes. Select an image from a hand-picked collection of Girls HD wallpapers to make girls Status images. Adjust the opacity of Short girl Quotes and girly backgrounds to make creative girlish Quote images.
Girly Status app is made with the purpose to motivate girls/women in their day to day life. We have provided Attitude Status for Girls & girls Quotes in Hindi and English.
Set best girl Quote images in DP and status to inspire yourself, friends, relatives, family members and other female's around you.
App Features:
* Select from 200+ Girly status.
* Select a picture from the Gallery or choose any hand-picked HD Girl Wallpaper.
* Set Girly quotes on pic.
* Adjust opacity of quotes and background image.
* Change font style, font color, font size & pinch to zoom in-out text.
* Edit quotes before saving the image or Add text on photo.
* Save the image and share it via Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp etc.
Girl Status Categories:
Alone, Anger, Attitude, Beauty, Boy, Dating, Courage, Cool, Cute, Experience, Failure, Faith, Famous, Friendship, Freedom, Forgiveness, Funny, Future, Happiness, Hope, Humor, Imagination, Inspirational, Intelligence, Girl, Jealousy, Life, Love, Men, Motivational, Patience, Peace, Positive, Relationship, Respect, Romantic, Sad, Strength, stylish, Success, Sympathy, Time, Trust, Wisdom, Women, Work
Share Girls quote with images on your Whatsapp status and inspire other women's.