このHD Wallpapers - Mobile Backgroundsについて
私たちのアプリは、Rich Lookに変換するクールで意味のあるHD壁紙を提供します。
Cool and Status Wallpapers HD is free Wallpapers and Backgrounds app with huge collection of popular and best wallpapers & backgrounds. App has huge collection huge collection of high and trending Wallpapers and high quality Backgrounds and best Wallpapers. You can download and set them as home screen for free.
Everyday new Wallpapers HD are updated, that are most latest Backgrounds captured latestly. Enjoy all the backgrounds wallpapers. All the wallpapers HD support almost all smartphones. so give your phone a new refreshing look and feel relaxed by viewing best nature pictures.
Backgrounds and Wallpapers HD are optimized for almost all popular screen size types and manufacturers like Nokia,Samsung, Sony, LG, Lenovo, Huawei, HTC, Xiaomi,Mi One Plus and ASUS etc.
Open the wallpaper that you like and choose "Set Wallpaper" option from the menu.
Features of “Wallpapers” app:
• It's absolutely FREE
• Easy to browse photos and set as background in any android device.
• Contains more than Nature Wallpapers & Backgrounds.
• All photos are HD wallpapers and compatible with the most of devices
• You can share the app with your friends
• Once you download pictures on your SD card, then internet connection is no longer required to use it again
Different Categories of wallpapers.
Nature wallpapers, Animal wallpapers, Quotes wallpapers, Food wallpapers, Texture & Patterns wallpapers, Architecture wallpapers, Flowers wallpapers, Light wallpapers, Firework wallpapers, Music wallpapers, Brokeh wallpapers, Vahicles wallpapers, WaterCrafts wallpapers, WaterCrafts wallpapers, Abstract wallpapers and Building wallpapers.