このHo'oponopono Song Meditationsについて
Ho'oponopono Song Meditations
This App has a vast collection of music of Ho'oponopono song meditations
Ho'oponopono means to make right. Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships
The original purpose of Ho'oponopono was to correct the wrongs that had occurred in someone's life including 'Hala' (to miss the thing aimed for, or to err, to disobey) and 'Hewa' (to go overboard or to do something to excess) which were illusions, and even 'Ino' (to do harm, implying to do harm to someone with hate in mind), even if accidental
Music that help to practice Ho'oponopono meditations
Practicing Ho'oponopono helps to restore harmony within, and with others
Understand Ho'oponopono for living a beautiful life with love and care for others.