IGOTTAは、あなたの欲しい物のリスト、バケットリスト、タスクリスト、何でも - あなた-奨めリストです!
More fun than your standard to-do list. Easier and quicker than making a hobby board. IGOTTA is your wish list, bucket list, shopping list, task list, whatever-you-want list! It’s for whatever you gotta!
We like to call them IGOTTAs. Share you lists of IGOTTAs with your friends, or keep a private list for yourself. You gotta buy a new phone? You gotta travel to Thailand? You gotta try that new restaurant lounge? Whaddyu gotta do?
And if you’re not sure what you gotta do - see what your friends gotta do and get some ideas. IGOTTA was made to be more fun than a simple to-do list app, that’s why we use big, beautiful photos. Plus you can post your IGOTTAs to your favorite social accounts so all your friends can see, or send them via SMS text or direct message to your other friends on IGOTTA.
You never know what’s gonna happen when you let everyone know… IGOTTA!