このLatest Case Lawについて
‘Latest Case Law’ app is absolutely Free to use which keeps you updated with latest judgments pronounced by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab & Haryana High Court on Civil, Criminal, Revenue and Service Laws.
This app is must have for Lawyers, Judicial Officers, Law Students and Judicial Competition Aspirants.
Case law is uploaded daily so that you have the updated knowledge of latest and important judgments at the earliest possible time.
Case Law is given under different categories named on basis of name of the Statute e.g. CPC, CrPC, Evidence, IPC, Arbitration, NDPS etc etc.. It helps the reader to have all case law of same nature in same category and can be retrieved at any point of point
This app works offline once download it but you need internet connection even with normal speed only to get updates.
You can Bookmark, Forward, SMS and Share case law as per your convenience and requirement.