このMoto Taxi mobile appについて
Moto Moto is a Delivery Service App.
Moto Moto is a Delivery Service App designed with Simple UI and with Intuitive Design. Moto Moto has Minimal Device Requirements to Support
the Services to all Devices. Moto Moto is a Trusted Delivery Service Available in Ghana.
Simple Sign up
Clients and Delivery Partners are facilitated to
sign up with the app itself or with Facebook
Sign in/ Mobile OTP Sign in within minimum
time and information to offer a faster
Booking a Delivery
Moto Moto offers Website Bookings and App Bookings (iOS/ Android) with Book now or Book for later options. You can find Delivery Partners nearby just with a few simple taps within seconds to deliver securely.
Pickup, Tracking, and Navigation Plus
Accurate Estimates, Map-based pick-up,
ongoing location tracking, and google
map-based navigation for a comfortable
experience. Call the Delivery Partner or Chat with the
Delivery Partner with the app itself. Rate the experience with the
delivery to support service enhancements.
Make Payments with Convenience and
Payments are simplified with cash and mobile
money to offer a convenient service.