NASM CPT Practice Test
4.1 and up
Android OS
このNASM CPT Practice Testについて
★★★★★ A non-boring, super-effective way to get NASM CPT Certification
The NASM practice test will assist you in passing the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer Exam, or NASM-CPT, which is a test used to assess the test-taker’s knowledge and ability to perform adequately in a personal training setting.
NASM CPT Practice Test is a completely free resource provided by M-Card. It allows students to efficiently study NASM CPT practice questions anytime, anywhere.
NASM CPT Practice Test will consist of 600 multiple-choice questions that will cover seven topics.
- Assessment
- Basic and Applied Science
- Exercise Technique and Training Instruction
- Program Design
- Considerations in Nutrition
- Client Relations and Behavioral Coaching
- Professional Development and Responsibility
It's free and always will be.
Over 600 questions with detailed explanations
Track your progress as you study
Smart algorithm focuses your practice for efficient learning
Support offline mode
No registration required
NASM Practice Test is simple to use, and an effective way to practice for your board exam.
Jump Start Your Learning with NASM CPT Practice Test Today!
NASM® is a registered trademark of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM®) and administered exclusively by the NASM®. This material is not endorsed or approved by the NASM®.