このREAD 180 rSkills Testsについて
180 NGの顧客を読むために利用可能なカリキュラムベースのアセスメント。
Now brought to you by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Curriculum-Based Interim and Summative Assessment
rSkills Tests are curriculum-based interim and summative assessments available to READ 180 Next Generation customers. Students take an rSkills test after completing each of the 9 workshops in READ 180, providing teachers with an important tool to monitor students' understanding of key, standards-aligned skills covered during Whole- and Small-Group Instruction.
Now, rSkills College & Career Tests includes the new item types found on the Next Generation Assessments.
Students can take their rSkills College & Career tests on their tablet and:
• Tap to zoom in on graphics
• Use the tool bar to navigate across questions organized by skill
• Touch type open-response writing questions
Instructional Purpose of rSkills College & Career Tests:
• Opportunities for review and test preparation in advance of the Next Generation Assessments
• Monitor students' understanding of higher order thinking and critical reading skills
*This app is a free download, available only to READ 180 Next Generation customers. Users must have an active internet connection.