このSSC QUIZについて
In this Quiz the user can participates in various category for CGL & CHLS and 4 subcategories
namely Reasoning,General Awareness Math(Quantitative Aptitude) and English.Cloze test have been added for SSC CGL & CHSL tier 2 exams.
A new Quiz for current affairs have been added on month basis for ssc exams.
Learn important dates and their value in Indian history and their significance with details.
Daily Current Affairs Feed has been added to keep the users updated about the world.
A new daily quiz has been added in May-2020 ver 9.0.0 update, in which users will get
daily current affairs quiz and some other types of quiz depends on day or occasion.
A new Trivia Quiz has been added in May-2020 ver 9.0.0 update, to get our user familiar with other types of quiz,which will give them a broader knowledge of different aspect of
life like sports,Geological etc.
Google Sign-In has been added to save user progress in newly added quizs,user must sign in to participates in daily and trivia quizs, additionally user also requires to sign in for reading daily current affairs in study module.
最新バージョン 10.0.0 の更新情報
2.Daily Quiz has been revamped.
3.Bug Fixed.
4.Google Sign-In has been added in the app, and from version 9.0.0 and later the Application obtains the information, you provide when you download and register the Application. When you register with us and use the Application, you generally provide your name, email address and your educational interests.
5. UI Enhancement.