このXLCourierV2 Providerについて
XLCourierV2 Provider is a handy on-demand courier delivery provider application designed and developed by XongoLab Technologies LLP.
This app assist delivery provider in terms of new-delivery-jobs in nearby areas, suggest paths to pickup-delivery, list of completed delivery jobs, show earnings and more.
Features of the App:
—> This section provides list of new available jobs in vicinity of providers current location, provider can preview of complete pickup-drop-off rout on map, provider can accept job by clicking button at bottom of this screen.
—> This section assist provider in terms of providing complete route from his/her current location to pickup location and same for delivery location.
—> This section show list of accepted jobs by provider. The status of job will be change according when provider pickup - deliver courier.
—> If delivery provider finds any deficulty regarding location or courier there is call button to connect concern person for further assistance.
—> While completing delivery provider can add signature of concern person and if concern person is not available provider can take screenshot of it and upload in this app.