このYoga Posesについて
Sanskrit and English Name of Yoga Asanas
Sanskrit and English Name of Yoga Asanas
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Please note that this is a reference resource and not a "how-to"; as such, it does not list instructions, benefits, contraindications, and the like. Rather, it presents pictures of the poses (in proper alignment) along with its name in Devanagari script, standard transliteration, the English translation, and a layperson's pronunciation guide (enhanced by an audio recording). Common alternate names that a pose is known by are also referenced.
1. Surya – Namaskar Sun Salutation
2. Akarna – Dhanur - asana Shooting Bow Posture
3. Anjaneya – asana Salutation Pose
4. Ardha Chandra - asana Half Moon Posture
5. Ardha – Matsyendra - asana Half Spinal Twist Posture
6. Baddha Kona Asana Restrained angle Posture
7. Bala Asana Child Posture
8. Chakra Asana Wheel Posture
9. Dhanur - asana Bow Posture
10. Ekapada - asana One Legged Posture
11. Garuda – asana Half Spinal Twist Posture
12. Gomukha – asana Cow Face Posture
13. Hala - sana Plough Posture
14. Hasta – Pada – angusta Hand – foot big toe Pose
15. Matsya - asana Fish Posture
16. Naga – asana Cobra Posture
17. Nataraja asana King of the Dance Posture
18. Padma – asana Lotus Posture
19. Parivritta – parshvakona Turned Side angle Posture
20. Pavana mukta asana Wind – releasing posture
21. Sarvanga – asana Shoulder stand posture
22. Shalabha – asana Locust Posture
23. Shava – asana Corpse Posture
24. Siddha - asana Accomplished Posture
25. Simha – asana Lion Posture
26. Sirsha – asana Headstand Posture
27. Tada – asana Mountain Pose
28. Trikona – asana Triangle Pose
29. Ugra – asana Powerful Posture
30. Ushtra – asana Camel Posture
31. Vajra – asana Diamond Posture
32. Vira – asana Hero Posture
33. Vriksha – asana Tree Pose
34. Vrischika – asana Scorpion Pose