Breathee - Breathing exercises 정보
Relax, calm down and clear your mind with the help of breathing exercises!
We often overlook the important role that our lungs play in keeping us healthy and strong. We only notice it when we have trouble breathing. But the truth is that, like all other parts of our body, our lungs need daily care and attention. Breathing supplies oxygen to every cell in the body. Without enough oxygen, people are more prone to health problems, including respiratory disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and even heart disease.
Among the many things you can do to increase the volume of breath are some simple breathing techniques. These techniques to increase the volume of breath can be used for people with lung problems related to asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis, as well as for healthy people. Diaphragmatic breathing uses the diaphragm muscle, which separates the abdominal organs from the lungs. By concentrating on lowering your diaphragm during the inhale, you increase the volume of breath. This is a technique that professional singers use to increase the volume of breath.
Deep breathing can help you get closer to increase the volume of breath. Slowly breathing in, consciously expand your abdomen, being aware of the lowering of your diaphragm. Then spread your ribs out so that the floating ribs open up like wings to increase the volume of breath. Finally, allow the upper chest to expand and rise. Then exhale as fully as possible, allowing the rib cage to descend, then squeezing the ribs and finally retracting and lifting the abdominal muscles to lift the diaphragm and release the remaining air.
Sometimes it can be so difficult to fall asleep that none of the traditional techniques work at all. In this case, it is a good idea to look at Japanese breathing techniques for sleep well. Simple exercises for sleep well can make falling asleep much easier. If you do them regularly, you can get a good night's rest.
A great solution for sleep well is to use the Japanese Moonlight Breathing technique. It is part of the Kaizen concept for sleep well, which means changing for the better by focusing on the positives in all aspects of life and abandoning negative habits.
This philosophy promises to improve the lives of people suffering from sleep disorders. When the mind is overtaken by meaningless thoughts, short breathing exercises for sleep well can help to get rid of them and relax. One of the claims of Moonlight Breathing explains the connection between the left side of the body and the nervous system. The breathing technique helps you to calm down, sleep well and relax, so that you can fall asleep more quickly. The main condition is that only the left nostril should be inhaled.
A small exercise for sleep well is a favourite of many people in the Land of the Rising Sun. The way to do it is this:
- lie down comfortably on your back;
- close your eyes and relax;
- press your right thumb on your right nostril;
- inhale through your left nostril and close it with the ring finger of your right hand and exhale through your right nostril, releasing the thumb;
- adjust your breathing.