Contacts Backup & Export 정보
웹에서 Google Play를 방문하여 쇼핑을 즐기세요. 동기화의 번거로움 없이 Android 휴대전화나 태블릿에서 즉시 구매하고 즐길 수 있습니다.
1] Export contact via pdf (all contact backup & pdf generated)
→ Export contacts via pdf; this feature allows the users to backup their contacts in a pdf-generated format by exporting them. This feature makes printing easy.
2] Export contact via V-card
→ Export contact via V-card; this feature allows the users to export their contacts and save them in a V-card [Electronic business card] file format.
3] Export contact via CSV
→ Export contacts via CSV, this feature exports all your contacts and saves them in comma-separated values.
4] Monthly Backup Notifications
→ This is a very essential feature, which helps to keep the contact backup up-to-date, the users receive a notification on monthly basis to update their backup.