Electrical Engineering(Alternating Current (AC)) 정보
Complete Free Book of Electrical Engineering(Alternating current)With Diagrams..
This app is a Complete Free Book of Electrical Engineering(Direct current) With important topics, notes, blogs,and diagrams..
This Useful app Consist of More than 100 of topics with clear details and diagram..
AC is produced by generators in power stations and can be found in homes, radio equipment, car alternators, and even synthesizers. AC voltage has several advantages over DC voltage (generation and transmission, transformer voltage increase / decrease, electromagnetic emissions, etc.), but the analysis can be more complex, involving imaginary numbers, phasor diagrams, Laplace transforms, and even second-order differentiation equations (oscillators).
Chapter 1: Basic AC Theory
What is Alternating Current (AC)?
AC Waveforms
Measurements of AC Magnitude
Simple AC Circuit Calculations
AC Phase
Principles of Radio
Chapter 2: Complex Numbers
Introduction to Complex Numbers
Vectors and AC Waveforms
Simple Vector Addition
Complex Vector Addition
Polar and Rectangular Notation
Complex Number Arithmetic
More on AC “polarity”
Some Examples with AC Circuits
Chapter 3: Reactance and Impedance -- Inductive
AC Resistor Circuits (Inductive)
AC Inductor Circuits
Series Resistor-Inductor Circuits
Parallel Resistor-Inductor Circuits
Inductor Quirks
More on the “Skin Effect’’
Chapter 4: Reactance And Impedance -- Capacitive
AC Resistor Circuits (Capacitive)
AC Capacitor Circuits
Series Resistor-Capacitor Circuits
Parallel Resistor-Capacitor Circuits
Capacitor Quirks
Chapter 5: Reactance And Impedance -- R, L, And C
Review of R, X, and Z
Series R, L, and C
Parallel R, L, and C
Series-parallel R, L, and C
Susceptance and Admittance
R, L and C Summary
Chapter 6: Resonance
An Electric Pendulum
Simple Parallel (Tank Circuit) Resonance
Simple Series Resonance
Applications of Resonance
Resonance in Series-Parallel Circuits
Q and Bandwidth of a Resonant Circuit
Chapter 7: Mixed-Frequency AC Signals
Introduction to Mixed-Frequency AC Signals
Square Wave Signals
Other Waveshapes
More on Spectrum Analysis
Circuit Effects
Chapter 8: Filters
What is a Filter?
Low-pass Filters
High-pass Filters
Band-pass Filters
Band-stop Filters
Resonant Filters
Summary of Filters
Chapter 9: Transformers
Mutual Inductance and Basic Operation
Step-up and Step-down Transformers
Electrical Isolation
Winding Configurations
Voltage Regulation
Special Transformers and Applications
Practical Considerations - Transformers
Chapter 10: Polyphase AC Circuits
Single-phase Power Systems
Three-phase Power Systems
Phase Rotation
Polyphase Motor Design
Three-phase Y and Delta Configurations
Three-phase Transformer Circuits
Harmonics in Polyphase Power Systems
Harmonic Phase Sequences
Chapter 11: Power Factor
Power in Resistive and Reactive AC circuits
True, Reactive, and Apparent Power
Calculating Power Factor
Practical Power Factor Correction
Chapter 12: AC Metering Circuits
AC Voltmeters and Ammeters
Frequency and Phase Measurement
Power Measurement
Power Quality Measurement
AC Bridge Circuits
AC Instrumentation Transducers
Chapter 13: AC Motors
Introduction to AC Motors
Synchronous Motors
Synchronous Condenser
Reluctance Motor
Stepper Motors
Brushless DC Motor
Tesla Polyphase Induction Motors
Wound Rotor Induction Motors
Single-phase Induction Motors
Other Specialized Motors
Selsyn (Synchro) Motors
AC Commutator Motors
Chapter 14: Transmission Lines
A 50-Ohm Cable?
Circuits and the Speed of Light
Characteristic Impedance
Finite-length Transmission Lines
“Long’’ and “Short’’ Transmission Lines
Standing Waves and Resonance
Impedance Transformation