My results - Sport diary 정보
Athlete's Diary. Save your results and watch categories tables
The application allows you to save sports results, view statistics of changes in results in the form of graphs, share them in PDF format; keep a workout log, noting the exercises performed.
The following sports are supported:
- swimming
- triathlon
- athletics
- power sports (powerlifting, streetlifting, weightlifting, kettlebells)
- skiing (racing, biathlon, rollerskis)
- cycling (road and track)
- football
- volleyball
- hockey
- water polo
- basketball
- tennis
- fencing
You can turn on synchronization and share your results between your devices.
Includes a calendar for tracking competitions and planning training.
You can add custom distances and sports to application.
With this application, you will always carry swimming, triathlon, athetic, skiing (racing, biathlon, rollerskis), power sports (powerlifting, weightlifting, streetlifting and kettlebells), cycling (road and track) category tables, which is very important for a progressive athlete.
FINA classification is calculated when swimming results are saved.
For powerlifting following classifications are avaliable : IPF, AWPC, WRPF, SPR, NAP.
For streetlifting following classifications are avaliable : ISF, WSF.
What's new in the latest 4.0.11
My results - Sport diary apk 정보
My results - Sport diary의 오래된 버전
My results - Sport diary 4.0.11
My results - Sport diary 4.0.10
My results - Sport diary 4.0.8
My results - Sport diary 4.0.7
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