Oyepe+ 정보
가젯 대출 금융에 대한 Oyepe +의 기회를 제공합니다. 디스플레이 안전, 보증 연장 ..
Oyepe+ is a platform which provides opportunity to sell, consumer durables loan finance, Service protection for display of your mobile handsets, tablets.... Extended warranty for your all branded gadgets... Can sell mobile & accessories, all telecom and DTH recharges, Apps and host of other services
Application provides Mobile Recharge and Topup for DTH.
Application made easy with light weight and user friendly design.
Application provides Mobile and DTH Recharge with fully secured and safe for all your transactions.
You can send request with two Modes - SMS, GPRS.
OUR SERVICE Mobile/STV/Postpaid Recharge : Aircel, Airtel, BSNL, Tata Docomo, Idea, MTS, Reliance, Uninor, Videocon, Vodafone
DTH Recharge : Airtel Digital, Reliance Digital Tv, Sun Direct, Videocon d2h, Dishtv, TataSky
Balance check, Payment transfer, Transaction report, Search recharge by MobileNo/AccountNo