Smart Silencer 정보
많은 사람들이 자신의 휴대폰이 밤 시간 동안의 스위치를 OFF 상태로 유지하려면 ...
Many people like to keep their handsets switched OFF during at night time, prayer time and during their important meetings because they don’t want to get their sleep, Nimaz, and meeting disturbed or interrupted by any calls or SMS.
Android users would be happy to know about the Smart Silencer application developed for the purpose which will allows them automatically changes their phone into silent mode and come back to normal mode without looking further into your phone settings.
This application works in simple ways by setting start and end time and it will switched to silent mode and general mode accordingly to your settings daily. Users can make use of this application according to their needs in office as well where they don’t want to get disturbed for unwanted SMS or emails at least in office hours.