Stepper Motor Control 정보
The basic principles of stepping motors and stepping motor control systems
Stepping motors can be viewed as electric motors without commutators.
Feature of Step Motor Control
You learn about
+ Stepping Motor Types
+ Stepping Motor Physics
+ Basic Stepping Motor Control Circuits
+ Current Limiting for Stepping Motors
+ Microstepping of Stepping Motors
And more tips for you control stepper Motor
- Stepping motors can be used in simple open-loop control systems; these are generally adequate for systems that operate at low accelerations with static loads
- Typically, all windings in the motor are part of the stator, and the rotor is either a permanent magnet or, in the case of variable reluctance motors, a toothed block of some magnetically soft material.
- All of the commutation must be handled externally by the motor controller, and typically, the motors and controllers are designed so that the motor may be held in any fixed position as well as being rotated one way or the other.
- Most steppers, as they are also known, can be stepped at audio frequencies, allowing them to spin quite quickly, and with an appropriate controller, they may be started and stopped "on a dime" at controlled orientations.