You can type faster
Touch typing is the ability to use muscle memory to find keys fast, without using the sense of sight, and with all the available fingers, just like piano players do. It significantly improves typing speed and eliminates errors. Touch typing simply makes you more productive and it is a skill worth learning. However, many people engage in the bad habit of ‘hunt-and-peck’ typing, even those seasoned professionals with years and decades of computer experience. It is easy to understand, though, as touch typing requires dedicated practice to learn it well. That is why we created, a free online typing tutorial, to give you the most advanced learning experience and let you develop your typing skills faster. Our typing tutor lesson methodology is simple. Using a color coded keyboard, with corresponding color coded hands, we guide the typist through the keyboard, 2 keys at a time. We start with the home row keys and work our way out. The typist enters a words per minute goal to achieve.