Select your intraocular lens for cataract surgery depending on diopters and goal
By choosing an intraocular lens you can achieve a multitude of different targets. Whatever you're aiming at (e.g. getting rid of glasses for good, staying short-sighted in order to be able to read without glasses etc.) it is essential to be well informed before surgery in order to make the right decision. Dr. Claessens (ophthalmologist) developed this app: depending on your diopters, accompanying eye diseases (macular drusen, age-related macular degeneration) and individual desires the app provides (vendor-independent) information about which intraocular lens can realize your plan and describes alternatives if your whishes exceed available options. Photos illustrate the visual impression you can achieve after surgery. All current intraocular lens types are included. As a well informed patient you are prepared for talking with your ophthalmologists when it comes to choosing among the variety of intraocular lenses.