Loyola school is conducted by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus
A religious order of the Catholic Church and founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. It belongs to a worldwide network of academic and business schools. In India, St. Xavier’s colleges at Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ranchi, Palayamkotai, St. Joseph’s College Trichy; Loyola Colleges at Chennai, Vijayawada, Secunderabad, Trivandrum; Loyola schools at Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, Thiruvananthapuram and Guntur, Business Institutes like XLRI at Jamshedpur, XIM at Bhubaneswar and LIBA at Chennai are part of the same family. The purpose of these institutions are to impart quality education and prepare children to commit themselves to the people of our country. These institutions take pride in contributing their share in the country’s educational undertakings. Loyola School, Loyola Nagar, Sankhabhanga, Baripada has been established by the Odisha Jesuit Society (OJS) and the administration of the school is entrusted to the Principal who is an appointee of the president of OJS. As a Catholic school, Loyola belongs to a minority community with the powers and rights enshrined in the constitution of our nation.