Provide MCAS Beaufort proactive safety environment and effective training.
The mission of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Beaufort’s Department of Safety and Standardization is to provide Marines, Sailors, Civilian Marines, Contractors, and visitors a safe and healthful work environment in order to prevent the occurrence of injuries and occupational illnesses. To that end, MCAS Beaufort has enthusiastically implementing the safety and health management concepts of the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). All personnel assigned to MCAS are tasked to do our part to ensure the program’s success. Our focus for all personnel shall be the four elements of VPP; (1)Management Leadership and Employee Involvement, (2) Work Site Analysis, (3) Hazard Prevention and Control and (4) Safety and Health Training. With this app as one of the many tools provided, supervisors shall establish a proactive organization safety culture by ensuring personnel are actively involved in safety initiatives throughout the command.