powerful family prayers
“Lord, our God and our Father, we praise you for the family we have and thank you for your presence in our home. Enlighten us so that we are able to assume our commitment to your son Jesus, your word and your commandment of love, following the example of the family of Nazareth. Grant us the ability to understand our differences, to help each other, forgive our mistakes and live happily. Teach us to share what we have with the most needy and impoverished, and give us the grace to accept illness and death with faith and serenity when they approach our family. Help us to respect and encourage our children's vocation when you want to call them to your service. May trust, dialogue, fidelity, mutual respect reign in our family, so that love may strengthen and unite us more and more. Stay in our family, Lord, and bless our home. Give our children purity and holiness and grant them the grace to overcome the vices that destroy life and peace. Lady Aparecida, you who are Mother and Queen of the Brazilian people, bless our families, keep us in the path of Jesus, your son and return to us your affectionate mother's look, today and always. Amen!"